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Blackberry usuage drops

Users of blackberry devices all around the world are fast abandoning their devices in favor of Apple and Android devices as RIM doesn't seem to meet the ever changing standard of the smartphone and other mobile devices. Studies shows that Blackberry devices accounts for a miserable 1% of all mobile web traffic with Apple representing over 65% and Android having about 20% of the traffic. What this means is that more and more people are making use of Apple and Android devices in place of Blackberry devices.

Also Apps developers are getting less eager about developing for the Blackberry 10 OS, as most are crossing over to the Android platform which many consider as the King of the mobile world. As a result there is likely going to be less range of Apps for Blackberry users to choose from or download for their devices.

As a matter of fact, RIM plans to borrow some features from Android in order to compete in the mobile market, a user's contact in a blackberry 10 device will be able to show a user's lastest tweet and facebook status in addition to other details and also there is expected to be improvement in the Blackberry messenger which seems to be the only feature endearing some consumers to the device.

Blackberry OS 10 and it's associated devices are expected to be in the market in the 1st quarter of 2013.

Their last chance to keep the company from going under.


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