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Why you might need to use a VPN

VPN(Virtual Private Network) is not just used to connect a worker to his/her office's network, there are a whole lots of other ways VPN would be useful to you, even if you are just an average internet user.

1. Extra Security
VPN offers some of the best security for internet users and can protects you from third parties sniffing your passwords or other sensitive information.

2. Anonymous Web Browsing
A VPN can allows you to browse the internet without the fear of being tracked, as your real IP address is hidden to protect your identity and location.

3. Encrypt VoIP traffic
You could use VPN to prevent other internet users from eavedropping on calls you make over the internet.

4. Get Around Restrictions/Censorship
With VPN you can access services that have been blocked or blacklisted, if you happen to reside or just visiting a country or an organisation that blocks internet services like Skype, Facebook, Twitter e.t.c.

5. Private LAN Gaming
With VPN you can enjoy gaming over the internet with your friends without interruption from other internet users.

6. ByPass Geographic Web blocks
Some websites may restrict users from a specific country(Nigeria most often). The VPN would trick the site into believing that you are accessing the site from a different country.

7. Share Files Securely
VPNs offers a secure ways for you to share files which might be confidential in nature.

NOTE that a VPN is different from a web proxy as a VPN automatically anonymously encrypts your entire internet connections(all applications that connect to the internet) while a web proxy is usually configured for only your web browser.

You could also use VPN on your iPhone and some other mobile devices that support VPN

Some free VPN Services includes;
- ProXPN(iPhone compatible)
- GPass
- LogMeIn Hamachi
- CyberGhost
- AchorFree Hotspot Shield
- Its hidden
- SecurityKiss
- Best Free VPN Service
- Tunngle


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